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Interview with Islam expert Felix Koerner
The Pope and the Muslims
Will Pope Francis still be travelling to Riyadh? What will be the outcome of his planned visit to Indonesia? How important is his friendship with Grand Sheikh al-Tayyeb? Interview with Islamic scholar Felix Koerner, five years after the Abu Dhabi document "on human fraternity"
Women's rights in Egypt
We need to talk about abortion
Abortions are illegal in Egypt unless they are necessary to save a married woman's life. But that doesn't stop local women from having one. Egyptian society needs to acknowledge this, activists say. By Diana Hodali
Sufism in Egypt
Cairo's mystic revival
Egyptian Sufis have been on the defensive against the country's Islamists for decades. Meanwhile, interest in mysticism is growing among the young members of Cairo’s middle and upper classes. By Marian Brehmer
Protests in Iran
Rethinking Sharia and democracy
According to a recent survey, half of all Iranians say that they have left Islam as a religion, while two-thirds believe Islamic law should be excluded from their legal system. In the following essay, Ahmet T. Kuru explores the implications
Islam’s conscientious thinkers
People of reason vs. people of the hadith
Past attempts to reconcile logic and belief within Islam tend to be dismissed today – not because they lack merit, but because they were politically defeated, argues Mustafa Akyol
Cairo Conspiracy a.k.a. Boy From Heaven
Al-Azhar, a Catholic monastery...and the Dalai Lama
Palme d’Or winner "Boy from Heaven" is a classic crossover film in which cultural elements are mixed together in haphazard and random fashion. Shady Lewis Botros bemoans the director’s use of various formulaic and cliche-ridden templates dominant in global mass culture
Elizabeth II and the Muslims
"To be there for our fellow human-beings"
When she ascended the throne, millions of Muslims still lived under British rule. Later, Elizabeth II appealed for tolerance in a multi-religious society. She was the first British queen to visit a mosque
Femicide in Egypt
"If you say no, you'll be in trouble"
The murder of a female student at Mansoura University in the Nile Delta has sparked a long overdue debate on femicide in Egypt. Karim El-Gawhary reports from Cairo
Narendra Modi's ruling BJP
Middle East furore at Indian official's Prophet remarks
Anger in the Middle East is spreading over comments made by an official of India's ruling BJP about the Prophet Muhammad, with various countries summoning New Delhi's envoy and a Kuwaiti supermarket removing Indian products
Egypt, France, a growing alliance
The Cairo-Paris axis
A growing alliance between Cairo and Paris is resulting in significant foreign policy coordination, with political and economic repercussions on the horizon for both Egypt and France. By Maged Mandour
Jews, Christians and Muslims
"We are in dire need of a culture of dialogue"
Berlin's "House of One" project, instigated by Jews, Christians and Muslims, will finally begin to take physical shape in early 2021, following a lengthy period of preparation. With the terrorist attack in Vienna fresh in their minds, the representatives of the three world religions feel uniquely challenged. By Christoph Strack
Muhammad cartoon controversy
Macron and the Muhammad tempest in a Twitter teapot
French President Macron's statements that caricatures of Muhammad may still be published have triggered outrage in a number of Muslim states. Turkish President Erdogan is among the most vocal critics. Karim El-Gawhary reports