Most recent articles by Omar Ashour
Military intervention in the Islamic world
What good is an Arab military alliance?
If new Arab military alliances want to avoid the mistakes of past interventions, their members will have to re-assess their approach and address the structural deficits that led to previous failures. By Omar Ashour
Mass Protests against Morsi
Egypt's Democratic Dictator?
While most Egyptians may support Morsi's aims, a dramatic expansion of presidential power in order to attain them was, for many, a step too far. Morsi's decrees have undoubtedly polarized Egyptian politics further, says Omar Ashour
Political Power Struggle in Egypt
Mubarak's Last Laugh
The public trial of Mubarak shows what united demands can achieve. But polarization between Islamists and secularists could endanger the goals of the Egyptian revolution, writes Omar Ashour