Qantara Startseite Englisch - Dialogue with the Islamic world
Turkey's Gülen movement
The promise of Islamic moral governance
Though often portrayed as unique, the teachings and tactics of the Gülen movement have generally aligned with those of Turkey's Sunni mainstream. The movement's fraught relationship with the AKP reveals deeper tensions within the country's religious-political landscape. With both camps failing to establish a more ethical, Islam-based politics, a critical reassessment is overdue.
Sudanese refugees in Chad
An uncertain future
More than half a million people have fled war in Sudan into neighbouring Chad. Humanitarian workers are scrambling to provide support amid overcrowding, limited funding and widespread trauma.
Science Fiction from Turkey
A spark of reality in literary dystopia
Above the clouds, lies not just boundless freedom, but also dystopian visions of the future. With his collection Über den Wolken und andere Geschichten [Above the Clouds and Other Stories], editor Ünver Alibey shows that science fiction is no longer a solely Western genre.
Northern Gaza under siege
"Either we survive together or we all die together"
As the Israeli encirclement of North Gaza continues, the humanitarian situation is becoming increasingly dire. Trapped residents share their stories of daily life under siege.
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Gülen-Bewegung in der Türkei
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